“Planet Crunch” One year in the Life (or Death) of a Planet. Ours. The only one we’ve got. The Earth.
In the autumn of 2019 a 16 year old Swedish schoolgirl came to England and there, supported by millions of people around the world, told us how it was, is and may become. Her name is Greta Thunberg. We will follow her already-famous progress across one year to major, crucial, pivotal conferences in China about global biodiversity; in Glasgow in Scotland about climate change worldwide and the famous international wildlife film festival “Wildscreen” in Bristol, England. These three major events are the culmination of Greta Thunberg’s and Sir David Attenborough’s efforts to save the planet. Or not. No less. The Crunch has arrived. And it now affects almost every aspect of our lives, wherever we are, whoever we are. Our story connects biodiversity; places; forests; farming; fishing; food; fashion; consumerism; waste; human populations; politics; big money/corporations; water (air‒› glaciers‒›rivers‒› sea); plastics; energy; tourism; media; transport: the future; China – its impact on everything – it’s already in the room. The content and order may change.
I expect the book/film will be in about 20 book chapters/film sections. Book: 6 pages each chapter, total about 120+ pages – Film: 2 mins each section = about 40+ mins. They will be very available before, at, and after the three major events mentioned above. Ready by October 2020, and, hopefully, with great education potential for schools, and anyone, anywhere else…Forget Brexit! It’s comparatively unimportant.
(Thanks to Jody Thomas for the super Greta mural.)