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“Planet Crunch" One year in the Life (or Death) of a Planet. Ours. The only one we’ve got. The Earth. In the autumn of 2019 a...

Diary of a Ghost Net

Ghost nets? Across all oceans lost fishing gear drifts forever killing dolphins, whales, seals and seabirds. Used originally to catch food for us, that...

The Making of Best Beaches for British Nature

See how this ambitious journey was filmed, with Ross Birnie, versatile cameraman who shows you where and when and especially how. If you would like...

Diary of a Ghost Net PROMO

How an osprey sees the deadly link between fishing and the ocean.

Salmon King of Fish – PROMO

Salmon King of Fish - PROMO - From the furthest Atlantic the King of fish approaches the rivers of Europe. It faces fishermen of...

Salmon King of Fish

Salmon King of Fish - From the furthest Atlantic the King of fish approaches the rivers of Europe. It faces fishermen of many sports,...

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