The Worlds Rarest Bird – A Parrot

Down to one in the wild in Brazil. Surely that's extinction for this lovely blue parrot? Not quite...

Super Sardinia

Super Sardinia - Travel right around this beautiful Mediterranean island with a Bong girl below, and a white bird above, as our guides. See...

Is Dubai Doomed? Part Two

A hard look at a profligate ecosystem that may collapse when its famous man-made islands drown as the sea level rises. Will it end...

Galapagos NOW Part 2

Part 2 - Galapagos NOW - The then, now and next? of this very famous group of islands which inspired Darwin to his theory...

How Really Green Is Costa Rica? PROMO

PROMO - How Really Green is Costa Rica? - Ecotourism - the truth. Just how green is it?  

The Egret Has Landed – PROMO

Little, cattle and great egrets - these beautiful herons are invading the UK. How do they do it?

The eXe (Estuary) Movie

The Exe estuary in South Devon in England is special - beautiful and full of wildlife, visited by local people, tourists and birds alike....

Who’s The Best Fisherman? – PROMO

In Kenya in East Africa there is a beautiful lake, lake Naivasha with an amazing variety of water birds from tall herons, powerful eagles...

Jungle Burger

Jungle Burger - The impact of ranching for beef on wildlife in South, Central and North America.


Volesville - One of Britain's rarest and fastest declining mammals - "Ratty" from "Wind in the Willows" fame. No rat, its succeeded in a...
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